Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Permission Forms

Permission Forms are being e-mailed to families!

Please have the permission form filled out and PLEASE BE SURE IT GETS NOTARIZED!!!!!


TEAM COVENANT IS BEING EMAILED, please read sign and give to RevTom at TEAM GATHERING!

passport picture needed!!!


God is so faithful.

To date we have raised 80% of our minimum need to travel and do ministry.

To include the trip to Krakow will cost us more. If we add that to the total trip cost we have received 72% of our trip need.

Please pray for the Lord to meet our needs by the time we leave next Friday.

A step that we are taking is to buy monthly passes for transportation in Budapest. EACH TEAM MEMBER should bring an EXTRA passport photo.

Monday, May 28, 2007


1. Bring no expectations
2. Remember, it’s not better, it’s not worse, it’s just different.
3. Follow the leader
4. No hard or semi hard case bag can be larger than 16"x11"x25." Further, this bag can not weigh more than 50 pounds.
5. Acquire and sign your passporta. pack a copy of it away from your personb. give a copy to your leaderc. have a copy where a responsible person can fax it to youd. Fill out the contact page of your passport in pencil
6. Eat yogurt daily
7. Learn about the culture that you are traveling to
8. Take three extra passport photos
9. Keep those things which are valuable to you in your carry on, if you can’t do without it, don’t check it… this is true for equipment as well as sentimental stuff
10. Never lose track of your passport and plane ticket
11. Keep prescription medicines in their original container
12. Never cut it close time-wise at the airport13. Wear comfortable shoes that support your feet
14. Pack a clean shirt and undergarments and toiletries in your carry on so that you are prepared when they lose your luggage
15. Never leave behind a clean napkin, you never know when it might be helpful16. When you find a clean rest room, use it, you can’t be sure when you will see another one and tell your team mates where it is.
17. A packet of hand wipes or a container of anti-bacterial hand cleaner is prudent.
18. American noisiness and abrupt behavior is annoying to Europeans, keep your voice and laughter as quiet and civil as possible
19. NEVER USE TRAVELLERS CHECKS, take an atm card and be very careful with it, don’t be careless at the atm machine (which are called “banc-o-mats”).
20. Learning some simple phrases and striving to learn more from your friends abroad will do much to win their hearts
21. Bring earplugs... because of living in a city, you may not be used to all the sounds of busses, trolleys, people and such at 4:30 in the morning!
22. Always be ready to try food that your host offers, remember rule number one
23. Frequently review rules one and two
24. Leaders - use plastic whenever possible to lessen trips to ATMS for cash.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

JUNE 2007

Our plans continue to be modified to meet our financial resources.

June 8th - depart IAD on British Air at 1000 PM (thats 2200 - at night) via London (4 hour layover)

9th - arrive Budapest at 535 pm , girls move in to the Newell family home and guys move in to the office in Budapest (Bp), climb castle hill and see the lights of Pest?

10th - worship in Bp (church t.b.d. Calvary Chapel???) begin training, brief tour of spots missed last year, training will include a conversation with the Newells about ministry to young people here.

11th - 12th (13th?) train back and forth to Vac, serving with Coppages: school, with youth of church, prayer walking, further training...

14th - some more training in Bp, [Krakow trip is a "funds-permitting" trip] PM train to Krakow (sleeper car)

15th - arrive at 0530, coffee & pastries, walk around Krakow, bus trip to Auschwitz, hanging out in Krakow until the overnight train (sleeping car) takes us back to Bp.
[Krakow trip is a "funds-permitting trip]

16th - train to Szeged, settle in Szeged, training, team worship...

17th - have an orientation tour of Szeged, travel out to Deak, final training, worship at Zion church in afternoon, team worship at Dosza flat!

18th - - 22nd English camp at DFG, hanging out with students,

23rd take trains to Vukovar via Serbia.

24th Worship at Agape Church in Vukovar.

25 - 28th English camp to support Agape Evangelical Church in Vukovar, Croatia.

29th back to Bp via Serbia and Szeged

30th - team flies home on British air leaving Bp at 1235 (via London 3 hr. layover) and lands at Dulles at 810pm

Friday, May 18, 2007

Lesson Sample #1

Lesson Plan 1: Intermediate ClassMeals:Ask students for any questions every so often
1. Vocabulary:
· Say vocab slowly and have student repeat it back to you twice
. Pay attention for trouble with specific sounds
A. Breakfast:

B. Lunch:
Chips (crisps)
Fries (crisps)

C. Dinner:
D. Make sure that students know what each food is.

2. Have students write down what they would want to eat for each meal. Then have students read exactly what they wrote back to you. Catch mistakes and help student to correct them.

3. Go around the class and have everyone say what there favorite food to eat is.

4. Ask student where there favorite restaurant is and what they eat there.5. Review vocab with students and check to make sure no one is confused about anything.6. If you have extra time, let your students teach you some of the Hungarian words for the foods that you were teaching in English.

Lesson Sample #2

Lesson Plan 2: Beginner Class

At A Hotel:

1. Vocabulary:
• Say vocab very slowly and have small groups of 2 or 3 students each repeat it back to you, so that you can make sure that they understand the pronunciation.
• Have them repeat each word several times
• Make sure that the students know what each word is as you go through the list with them.
o Luggage
o Room/Room Number
o Lobby
o Reservation
o Suite
o Guest
o Elevator
o Hall

Lesson Sample #3

Lesson Plan 3: Advanced Class

At a Restaurant

1. Vocabulary:
• Say vocabulary and have students repeat it back to you slowly
o Listen for trouble with specific sounds
 Appetizer
 Salad
 Main Course
 Desert
 Chef
 Hostess
 Waiter
 Silver wear
 Glass
 Plate
 Customer
 Napkin
 Menu
 Drink
 Soup
2. Make sure that the students know what every word is.
 Go around and ask students what things are.

3. Have students explain to you the order that things happen in the restaurant

4. Ask every student what their favorite restaurant is and get them to use the vocabulary in the process.

5. Have each student write down two sentences using the vocabulary words.
 Have students read there sentences out loud and go over them

6. Have student repeat vocabulary and check for exact pronunciation.