Our plans continue to be modified to meet our financial resources.
June 8th - depart IAD on British Air at 1000 PM (thats 2200 - at night) via London (4 hour layover)
9th - arrive Budapest at 535 pm , girls move in to the Newell family home and guys move in to the office in Budapest (Bp), climb castle hill and see the lights of Pest?
10th - worship in Bp (church t.b.d. Calvary Chapel???) begin training, brief tour of spots missed last year, training will include a conversation with the Newells about ministry to young people here.
11th - 12th (13th?) train back and forth to Vac, serving with Coppages: school, with youth of church, prayer walking, further training...
14th - some more training in Bp, [Krakow trip is a "funds-permitting" trip] PM train to Krakow (sleeper car)
15th - arrive at 0530, coffee & pastries, walk around Krakow, bus trip to Auschwitz, hanging out in Krakow until the overnight train (sleeping car) takes us back to Bp.
[Krakow trip is a "funds-permitting trip]
16th - train to Szeged, settle in Szeged, training, team worship...
17th - have an orientation tour of Szeged, travel out to Deak, final training, worship at Zion church in afternoon, team worship at Dosza flat!
18th - - 22nd English camp at DFG, hanging out with students,
23rd take trains to Vukovar via Serbia.
24th Worship at Agape Church in Vukovar.
25 - 28th English camp to support Agape Evangelical Church in Vukovar, Croatia.
29th back to Bp via Serbia and Szeged
30th - team flies home on British air leaving Bp at 1235 (via London 3 hr. layover) and lands at Dulles at 810pm